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Spruce B Plan


Spruce B Plan Info

Let's start with the cozy Spruce floor plan. A perfect fit for the first-time homebuyer or empty-nester, the 1,399-square-foot design gives you all the design details of our larger homes, but in the "just right" size. The ranch home provides 3 bedrooms and 2 baths, wrapped within a classic exterior. You don't have to give up the spaciousness of an open floor plan or convenience of a center island kitchen, because the Spruce has it all - along with our standard granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, and walk-in pantry, to name just a few. We also build the Spruce to our high standards for energy efficiency, like a tankless water heater, low-E vinyl windows, 14 SEER air conditioning system, radiant barrier sheathing, water-saving plumbing fixtures, and programmable thermostat.

Green Program

McGuinn Hybrid Homes - A smarter, healthier way to live. Learn more

Community Info

This community is perfect for the on-the go person who wants to take advantage of a great in-town location or for the family who want to enjoy a close community. The community has a wide variety of floorplans for everyone's taste. These plans are sure to suit your wants, needs and budget, whether you are a student, a single adult, or a family looking for more space for the kids. McGuinn Homes are Hybrid Homes which mean not only will you have more energy efficient & cost efficient homes, this exclusive program also ensures a home that is healthier for you and the environment. More Info About Honey Tree

Wade McGuinn has been building homes in the Columbia, SC, area for more than 30 years. But the success of the business has come from keeping an eye on the changing needs of homebuyers. Our hybrid homes reflect Wade’s desire to give people more than they expect, to lead rather than follow. We develop neighborhoods with an eye toward lifestyle—the quality of the schools, the proximity to everything people need, and the added value of a home that’s priced reasonably and built exceptionally.


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